“If anything were possible, what would it take to ensure that every child, family and community has an equitable opportunity to succeed?”
Creating Models of Care So ALL Children Thrive
The Collaborative is a statewide social impact organization that brings together education and healthcare partners to build and sustain transformative cross-sector initiatives that improve the well-being of Oregon’s youth from conception through grade 12.
The Collaborative’s work is about fulfilling Oregon’s promise of an equitable opportunity for every child, family, and community to succeed by:
Addressing the conditions of poverty, injustice and systemic racism that undermine success and lead to structural social inequities and health disparities;
Co-creating whole-person, community-based, culturally-specific integrated supports and services for children, families, communities, and our workforce;
Creating partnerships between health, education and social service sectors, in collaboration with local community leadership; and
Building and testing scalable, trauma-informed model health and social services systems with an asset-based approach to create conditions where all children, families and communities are afforded an equitable opportunity to succeed.
Shaping Change Together: Recognizing Our Valued Funders
The Collaborative is bringing together partners in healthcare, education, human services, community organizations, and community leaders to co-imagine a different way.
We support communities in leveraging their expertise to create a network of health and education services, supports and protective factors, to address intergenerational challenges that threaten the success of the child and their family. This network will be designed by the community to intentionally deliver consistent services that follow the child and help families access opportunities.
The Collaborative is spearheaded by healthcare and education leaders from across the state of Oregon.
They are bringing together the leading organizations who specialize in improving outcomes for children so that together we can address the most complex issues that exist for children and their families in our state.
Our Vision is a community-based, locally-designed, and culturally-responsive system where partners in health and education collaborate, so that investments center on children and families, and they are empowered to overcome intergenerational cycles of trauma and adverse effects.