Service Fabric: Interview with Kim Scott

Before I write about the Oregon Health and Education Collaborative, I want to pause and acknowledge the enormous suffering that humans can cause to ourselves and to one another. We join our hearts in the longing for peace and security for all beings. 

In our collective work, we also join heads and hands, to end suffering and bring security to ALL of our children. At OHEC, this is what we are focused on. Uniting those in healthcare, education and human services to strategize and implement answers to our most pressing and complex issues. 

I recently met up with Kim Scott, outgoing OHEC board member and immediate past CEO of Trillium Family Services. We explored the current state of youth mental and behavioral health, the impact of stress on our families, and how authentic collaboration is the simple (but challenging) answer to making systemic improvements. 

Some of my favorite phrases from our conversation were “confluence thinking” and “service fabric”. I was comforted and motivated by the imagery of us all coming together and weaving something protective for our communities and families. 

Those of you who know Kim Scott know that he is a thought leader and visionary. I invite you to listen to our 20 minute conversation.


If you prefer the more edited and highlighted version, this 6 minute video is for you. 

I send this email with much gratitude for those of you who have been coming alongside me and the Oregon Health and Education Collaborative the past few months. It’s been a while since I sent an email to this list, and that is largely because I have spent so much time meeting with you in virtual meeting rooms, inboxes, and in-person. You all ARE helping weave the fabric of support.

Keep doing the good work and I hope to see you soon.


Chelsea King

Executive Director


The Five Design Pilots in the Upstream Initiative


A Cocoon of Support in the Community is What We Need